All your content security requirements managed by one versatile, flexible platform

Operators need to evolve their services rapidly in order to remain competitive against traditional and new competitors.

They need to be able to offer content on different devices with changing business models. At the same time they need to keep their content secure to counter the growing and varied number of piracy threats and to meet the requirements of their content providers. The NAGRA Security Services Platform (SSP) provides a unified and flexible platform for managing all an operator’s content security requirements - turning security into a business enabler not a business inhibitor.

Any network, any device

NAGRA SSP is an advanced, highly scalable, flexible, unified security platform that takes CAS and DRM technologies to the next level. Enabling successful content monetisation through secure premium content delivery over any network, to any device, with any business model.

Cloud native

NAGRA SSP is built using the latest cloud native technologies, supporting multiple deployment options from traditional on-premise, through private cloud to a public cloud deployments. This includes NAGRA cloud.SSP a public cloud-based software-as-a-service. NAGRA cloud.SSP is ISO-27001 certified.

Ultimate flexibility

NAGRA SSP is truly modular, enabling it to be easily integrated with existing systems and third party solutions. It supports separation of business logic and security logic, enabling operators to choose best-in-breed business and content management platforms without compromising security.


Core services

Linear TV product definition and license management

Definition and management of linear TV services including schedule management and component definition. Linear services may delivered over traditional DVB networks, IPTV and OTT.

VOD license management

Management of VOD services and the underlying licenses. VOD services may be delivered over traditional DVB networks, IPTV and OTT.

Security analytics

Intelligent management of business and security data featuring aggregated dashboards and incident notifications, as well as recommendations for corrective and mitigative actions.

Secure OTT streaming services

Account, user and device management

Management of accounts and the users and devices within those accounts. Accounts can be both linked to subscriptions or be anonymous. Devices ranged from operator managed set-top boxes to open mobile devices.

Multi-DRM management

Manages concurrent usage of multiple DRMs. It enables secure deliver of the same content to different devices with different DRMs. This include Fairplay for Apple devices and Widevine for Android based devices, as well MS PlayReady and NAGRA PRM.

Business rule enforcement

Supports secure enforcement of business rules. Business Rules are analyzed and translated into effective security usage rules. This includes rules such as limiting concurrent devices and sessions.

Message service

Supports secure messaging to client devices. Includes messaging to all accounts, managed groups of accounts/devices and individual users.

Watermarking services

Management of session and device level watermarks. Supporting server side and client side watermark insertion. Client side insertion includes both operator managed set-top boxes and open devices.

Home networking control

Control of domains for home networking and other use cases requiring domain management (e.g. side loading). Supports content sharing between multiple devices across different CA/DRM systems.


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