M&E Journal: Real-Time Actionable Analytics

Real-Time Actionable Analytics: A Game Changer for Broadcast TV

We live in a world where information is king, and the M&E industry is no exception. However, there are certain markets, such as broadcast television, that have been slow to adapt to this new “data-driven” world.

How improved data insights are delivering real business and UEX outcomes for TV today

Videonet Editor John Moulding shares input from Liberty Global, Telenet, NOS Portugal and NAGRA on the power of data analytics (including with the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence) to transform television.

Artificial intelligence could be a game changer for the cable industry

Jacques-Edouard Guillemot, SVP Insight at NAGRA, explains how AI can enable cable operators to drive their business more effectively and automate meaningful marketing actions, but cautions that operators are in danger of falling behind OTT TV providers unless they take action.

Sky's James Alexander talks about the importance of advanced data and analytics in improving pay-TV customer service